Health Risk Assessment Quiz

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Is your BMI in the overweight or obese range? (>25)
If you don't know, please use our BMI calculator for a very basic assessment.
Show BMI Calculator
Is your blood pressure GREATER than 130/80?
Do you have low HDL cholesterol (LESS than 40 for men and LESS than 50 for women)?
Do you have Triglycerides GREATER than 150?
Is your hemoglobin A1C GREATER tha 5.7?
Do you have abdominal obesity (are you apple shaped, not pear shaped?)

Do you have Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?
Do you have darkened skin in your armpit or on your neck (acanthuses nigricans)?
Do you have skin tags?
Do you have slow-healing cuts and sores?